Doge Layer

More Development Resources for Dogecoin

  1. python-dogecoin - Friendly dogecoin API binding for Python 3

    This package allows performing commands such as listing the current balance and sending coins to the Satoshi (original) client from Python. The communication with the client happens over JSON-RPC.

  2. pycoin - Python-based Bitcoin and alt-coin utility library.

    The pycoin library implements many utilities useful when dealing with bitcoin and some bitcoin-like alt-coins. It has been tested with Python 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7.

  3. blockbook - Trezor address/account balance backend

    Blockbook is a back-end service for Trezor Suite. The main features of Blockbook are:

    • index of addresses and address balances of the connected block chain
    • fast index search
    • simple blockchain explorer
    • websocket, API and legacy Bitcore Insight compatible interfaces
    • support of multiple coins (Bitcoin and Ethereum type) with easy extensibility to other coins
    • scripts for easy creation of debian packages for backend and blockbook
  4. coinbin - A Open Source Browser Based Bitcoin Wallet. supports a number of key features such as:

    • Offline Compressed & uncompressed Address creation.
    • Offline Multisignature Address creation.
    • “In browser” Key (re)generation.
    • Send and receive payments.
    • Ability to decode transactions, redeem scripts and more offline.
    • Build custom transactions offline.
    • Sign transactions offline.
    • Signatures are deterministic as per RFC 6979 (
    • Broadcast transactions.
    • nLockTime support.
    • Add custom data to transactions with the use of OP_RETURN.
    • Support current Dark Wallet Stealth Address structure (as of version Alpha 7) for outputs.
    • Brain wallet support.
    • Compatible with bitcoin-qt
    • An offical .onion address for tor users.
    • Offline qrcode creator and scanning tool.
    • HD (bip32) support.
    • Supports altcoins such as litecoin.
    • Replace by fee (RBF) Support.
    • Segwit Support.
    • Bech32 address support.
    • Fee calculator -
    • Transaction rebuild support for RBF and double spending.
  5. python-mnemonic - Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys, BIP39

    This BIP describes the implementation of a mnemonic code or mnemonic sentence – a group of easy to remember words – for the generation of deterministic wallets.

    It consists of two parts: generating the mnenomic, and converting it into a binary seed. This seed can be later used to generate deterministic wallets using BIP-0032 or similar methods.

  6. bitcoinbook - Mastering Bitcoin 2nd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain

    Mastering Bitcoin is a book for developers, although the first two chapters cover bitcoin at a level that is also approachable to non-programmers. Anyone with a basic understanding of technology can read the first two chapters to get a great understanding of bitcoin.